INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION: 1) Only text in the red boxes can be changed. See PDF. 2) All changes must be approximately the same length as the current text. 3) Use "Save As" to save this form to your computer as a .txt file. 4) Complete by deleting the Glendale sample information and inserting your Chabad House information. 5) Save document using your city name as part of the title. Example: textlaredo.txt 6) E-mail to by Wednesday, August 6, 2003. (FINAL DEADLINE-No personalizations after this date) ADDRESS INFORMATION: ---------------------------------- Chabad of Glendale and the Foothill Communities 249 N. Brand Blvd. Box#594 Glendale, CA 91203 Return Service Requested ---------------------------------- POSTAGE INFORMATION ---------------------------------- NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S.POSTAGE PAID GLENDALE, CA PERMIT NO.1388 ---------------------------------- SCHEDULE INFORMAION ---------------------------------- FIRST DAY SERVICES SATURDAY, SEPT. 27 Morning Services: 10:00AM SECOND DAY SERVICES SUNDAY, SEPT. 28 Morning Services: 10:00AM Shofar Sounding: 11:30AM Tashlich Services: 3:00PM At the Japanese Gardens in Brand Park YOM KIPPUR EVE SUNDAY, OCT. 9 Kol Nidrei Services: 6:45 PM Rooms can be reserved by calling the Hilton at 818.956.5466 YOM KIPPUR MONDAY, OCT. 10 Morning Services: 10:00 AM Yizkor Memorial Services: 12:15 PM Remembering our loved ones Neila Closing Services: 6:00 PM Followed by light refreshments FIRST DAY SERVICES SATURDAY, OCT. 15 Morning Services: 10:00 AM SECOND DAY SERVICES SUNDAY, OCT. 16 Morning Services: 10:00 AM Followed by Lulav N’ Lunch To Purchase your own Lulav and Etrog set please call 818.240.2750 FRIDAY, OCT. 21 SHMINI ATZERET EVE Evening Services: 7:30 PM Followed by Hakafot with the Torah SATURDAY, OCT. 22 SHMINI ATZERET Morning Services: 10:00 AM Yizkor Memorial Services: 11:00 AM SIMCHAT TORAH CELEBRATION Evening Hakafot Services: 7:30 PM SUNDAY, OCT. 23 SIMCHAT TORAH DAY Morning Hakafot Service: 10:00 AM Followed by a Kiddush Buffet ---------------------------------------------- CANDLE LIGHTING TIMES ---------------------------------------------- Times shown are for Los Angeles County Sept 26 Light Rosh Hashanah/Shabbat Candles At:*6:26 PM Sept 27 Light Rosh Hashanah Candles After:** 7:20 PM Oct 9 Light Yom Kippur Candles At:* 6:14 PM Oct 9 Yom Kippur Fast Begins At: 6:32 PM Oct 10 Yom Kippur Fast Ends At: 7:08 PM Oct 14 Light Sukkot/Shabbat Candles at:*6:08 PM Oct 15 Light Sukkot Candles After: ** 7:01 PM Oct 21 Light Shmini Atzeret/Shabbat Candles At:*5:59 PM Oct 22 Light Simchat Torah Candles After:** 6:53 PM ----------------------------------------------- HIGH HOLIDAY AD BOX 1 ----------------------------------------------- Start the New Year on a ‘High Note’ Join Chabad for the ----------------------------------------------- HIGH HOLIDAY AD BOX 2 ----------------------------------------------- At the Hilton Glendale No Membership Fees or Tickets Hebrew/English Prayer-Books Warm and Friendly Atmosphere No Background or Affiliation Necessary Traditional and Contemporary Services ----------------------------------------------- HIGH HOLIDAY AD BOX 3 - INFORMATION BOX ----------------------------------------------- Services at the Hilton Glendale - 100 West Glenoaks Blvd. - Glendale To RSVP or for more information please contact Chabad of Glendale and the Foothill Communities 818.240.2750 • email: • website: There is no charge for seats, your donation is greatly appreciated. Advance reservations are suggested.