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Chabad of Glendale and the Foothill Communities 249 N. Brand Blvd. #594 Glendale, CA 91203 Return Service Requested
NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S.POSTAGE PAID GLENDALE, CA PERMIT NO.1388 FIRST TASTE PROGRAMFirst Taste Program Ages 4-6every Sunday for the durationof the scholasticyear First Taste is designed to grab a child'sattention with song, art, drama and games. Byexposure to the aleph-bet, Torah tales, prayerthrough song and holiday studies, a child gainsa sense of pride and love for Judaism.Annual tuition: $475(includes supplies/book fee) HEBREW SCHOOLHebrew School Ages 7-13every Sundayfor the durationof the scholasticyear This program offers a more advanced Hebrewand Jewish studies curriculum. Students learnto read and write Hebrew and gain anappreciation for the who, what, when and whyof Jewish life.Annual tuition: Sunday program: $475 Sunday & Wednesday optional: $770(includes supplies/book fee)
CHABAD TUTORIAL PROGRAMChabad Tutorial Program All Agestutoring to helpyour child grow CHS is proud to offer a new tutorial programfor all Jewish children regardless of enrollmentin the Hebrew School. Our one-on-one formatallows your child to grow at their own pace,and to receive the undivided attention of askilled educator. This method of learning hasproven to be very successful. BAR MITZVAH
Hebrew School Booklet