Date: Thursday, December 25, 2003 • 30 Kislev, 5764
Opportunity #18 & 19






Coming Soon! Youth & Teen Club Guide

Our newest publication, The Youth and Teen Club Guide, is scheduled for release in time for this year's Kinus HaShluchos!

With Chabad's growing emphasis on involving youth and teens as never before, many Shluchim have been organizing activities and clubs that cater to this age. The Shluchos Division, in its effort to assist and enhance these efforts, has collaborated with experienced club leaders and Shluchos in the field to produce a new guidebook. The result is the publication of this valuable text, which includes approximately 50 programs in complete detail.

This fabulous text of over 200 pages, incorporates three different sections of jam-packed programs and activities. The three different sections cater to two different types and ages of youth groups, as well as programs for a teen club. The book includes "tried and true" formats and guidelines to use in setting up your club. You'll also benefit from the handy appendix, which offers sample flyers, game directions, sources for project materials, and much more.

A special introductory price of only $50 will be offered to Shluchos at the Kinus. The regular price (after the Kinus) will be $60. Stay tuned for more details!


Save the Date! Thursday, Shevat 20!

We are again scheduling a stimulating and inspiring farbrengen for Shluchos to be held at The Shluchim Office during the Kinus HaShluchos. A group of veteran Shluchos will address us and we will have the opportunity to network and exchange ideas on both a personal and a communal level.

Details will be forthcoming. Looking forward to your participation! Reserve the date of Thursday evening, the 20th of Shevat. (7:30 p.m., tentative)

For more information:

Please contact Mrs. Piekarski at 718-221-0500, or e-mail:


Girls Placement Service Places Over 60 Young Women with Shluchos!

The Shluchos Division successfully placed over 60 young women in positions to assist Shluchos this year! Impacting many cities with their contributions, they served as teachers for all grades in day and Hebrew schools, directed youth clubs, home schooled children, and coordinated community programs.

***To receive an updated lists of applicants for the forthcoming year, contact the Shluchos Division (ext. 116), after the Kinus HaShluchos. Submit job information regarding open positions for the September '04 school year. You will receive an updated list of applicants, distributed bi-monthly, from after Purim through Tammuz.



This service is coordinated by The Shluchim Office, a division of Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch. For more information on any of our services, please call us at 718-221-0500 or e-mail us at:

Your feedback is important to us and helps us to better serve your needs. Please send us your comments relating to this project. Click here to send feedback.




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