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Listed Below is the information from the faxes that were received from the ילדי השלוחים around the world who participated in the הכנה לי"א ניסן.

Before we send out the prizes, we want to make sure that the information that we have listed below is correct.

If you faxed back your הכנה checklist to the Shluchim Office and your name is not listed below, e-mail us at cyh@shluchim.org with your name, age, amount of points and location of Shlichus.


Mendy Bekhor, 7

87 points

Randolph, New Jersey


Yoni Bekhor, 9

Age 9, 97 points

Randolph, New Jersey


Mattisyohu Charyton, 11

157 points

Winnipeg, Manitoba


Mendel Chein, 8

179 points

Cheadle, Chesire


Yitzchok Dreilich, 7

115 points

Edmonton, AB


Mendel Goldman, 5

134 points

Gainesville, Florida


Mendel Mendel Heidingsfeld, 3

144 points

Winnipeg, Manitoba



Dovi Jaffe, 5

142 points

Brisbane, Australia


Mendel Jaffe, 9

149 points

Brisbane, Australia


Yisrolik Jaffe, 8

164 points

Brisbane, Australia


Levi Yitzhok Keselman, 12

129 points

London, England


Chaim Eliyahu Piekarski, 5

105 points

Bogota, Columbia


Menachem Mendel Piekarski, 7

123 points

Bogota, Columbia


Chaim Rapoport, 6
101 points

Vineland, New Jersey


Mendy Rapoport, 10
145 points

Vineland, New Jersey


Tanny Rapoport, 12
170 points

Vineland, New Jersey

Eli Spiero, 12

156 points

Amsterdam, Holland


Levi Sudak, 4

Age 4, 72 points

London, England


Mendel Sudak, 6

171 points

London, England


Yosef Yitzchok Swued, 7

150 points

Barranquilla, Columbia


Chaim Swued, 8

151 points

Barranquilla, Columbia


Levi Vorst, 5

83 points

Rotterdam, Holland


Avremel Vorst, 7

84 points

Rotterdam, Holland


Mendel Vorst, 9

121 points

Rotterdam, Holland







Zelda Amar, 4

98 points

Pontault Combault, France


Sheina Amar, 5

117 points

Pontault Combault, France


Mushky Amar, 6

117 points

Pontault Combault, France


Chanie Baron, 6

120 points

Sunny Isles Beach, Florida


Lieba Fischer, 9

165 points

Augusta, Georgia


Chaya Mushka Freundlich, 9

82 points

Beijing, China


Devorah Freundlich, 7

? points

Beijing, China


Chana Rochel Gerber, 5

153 points

Wynnewood, Pennsylvania


Mushka Goldman, 3

134 points

Gainesville, Florida


Deena Heidingsfeld, 5

155 points

Winnipeg, Manitoba



Chaya Jaffe, 11

150 points

Brisbane, Australia


Goldie Jurkowicz

108 points

Melbourne, Australia


Esther Jurkowicz, 6

130 points

Melbourne, Australia


Chaya Konikov, 9

92 points

Satellite Beach, Florida


Chavi Konikov, 10

123 points

Satellite Beach, Florida


Rochie Krinsky, 10

122 points

Manchester, New Hampshire


Etti Krinsky, 8

160 points

Manchester, New Hampshire


Devorah Leah Moskowitz, 8

161 points

Kharkov, Ukraine


Chaya Mushka Moskowitz, 12

164 points

Kharkov, Ukraine


Chaya Mushka Nograd, 5

48 points

Budapest, Hungary


Chaya Posner, 11

132 points

Boston, Massachusetts


Chana Mushka Spiero, 10

156 points

Amsterdam, Holland


Shterna Sara Stiefel, 5

104 points

Almere, Netherlands


Mussi Stiefel, 7

124 points

Almere, Netherlands


Menucha Rochel Swued, 5

81 points

Barranquilla, Columbia


Chaya Mushka Weiss, 9
270 points

Miami Lakes, Florida


Chaya Mushka Zirkind, 11

166 points

Fresno, California


Aidela Zirkind, 9

166 points

Fresno, California

Levi Greenberg, age 9, from Anchorage, Alaska composed a beautiful ניגון in honor of י"א ניסן from קאפיטל ק"ד

Click here to listen to Levi's Niggun -'ברכי נפשי את ה


Thank you to Rabbi M. Steiner from Crown Heights &
Rabbi A. Kievman from Liverpool, England for running the rallies

Thank you Mushkie Freundlich from Beijing, China &
Tzemach Weg from Tulsa, Oklohoma for the beautiful דבר תורה

Thank you Rabbi Chaim Fogelman for the amazing performance!

Thank you to all the ילדי השלוחים who participated in the rally and a special ישר כח to the 24 families who recited the פסוקים so beautifully!

 A project of Chinuch Yaldei Hashluchim a division of The Shluchim Office
816 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, New York 11213 ~ (718) 221-0500 x317 ~ cyh@shluchim.org