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 23-25 Shvat, 5785 I Feb 21-Feb 23, 2025 

 Brooklyn, NY

Young shluchos across the globe depend on the programs of The Shluchim Office.

The Shluchim Office is responsible for and underwrites the cost of the annual Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim, and the nominal registration fees we charge only covers half the program budget. Therefore, we are reaching out to you to help us sustain this vital program for the children of Shluchim.

All sponsors will be recognized in our commemorative journal distributed by our event to the Shluchim parents, throughout the Kinus weekend by large Shluchim gatherings, in addition to worldwide exposure on our website and thorugh online news coverage of the Kinus.

Please give generously, joining Shluchim and Anash from around the world in supporting this cause. 

Event Sponsors
All Event Sponsorships Include Premium Journal Ad Space

Division Sponsor - $50,000
Sponsors one entire Division (300+ children, ka”h) of the Kinus

Pillar - $36,000
Sponsors the food for the entire Kinus weekend

Partner - $25,000
Sponsors the trips for the entire Kinus

Benefactor - $18,000
Sponsors the Grand Banquet of the Kinus

Platinum Sponsor - $10,000
Sponsors the buses for the entire Kinus

770 Sponsor - $7,700
Sponsors an inspirational rally and trip to the Ohel for the entire Kinus

Crown Sponsor - $5,400
Sponsors items like: a trip for one division, OR T-shirts for the entire Kinus, OR security personnel to keep our children safe, and the like.

Page Dedications

Gold Page - $3,600
Sponsors items like: a Shabbos meal for the entire Kinus, OR buses for one division, OR Pizza Melava Malka for the entire Kinus, and the like.

Silver Page - $2,500
Sponsors items like: co-sponsorship of a trip for one division, OR appreciation for our volunteer staff, and the like.

Chai Page - $1,800
Sponsors items like: Chinese dinner for the Grand Banquet, OR prizes and rewards for the entire Kinus, OR unique Album of pictures of the Rebbe for each young shliach, and the like.

Full Page - $1,000
Sponsors items like: a Shabbos meal for one division, OR a dollar for each young shliach to spend on Kingston Ave, OR gym and pool for one division, and the like. 

Half Page - $770
Sponsors one of the 70+ bunks who make up the Kinus, each with 12 or more children ka”h

Quarter Page - $360

Sponsor a Child - $150

Please click here for a list of those who have joined us in support.