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Issue 211 • Tuesday, May 31, 2011 • כ"ז אייר תשע"א רמב"ם: ספר זמנים, הלכות קידוש החודש, פרק ט-יא.
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Dear Shliach and Shluchah שיחיו:

Registration Open for Shluchim Online School Year 5772
We are pleased to present our brand new registration system. Register your child in just five easy steps! See the Featured Item and Announcement for more.

Nichum Aveilim
With profound sadness, we mourn the passing of Reb Berel Weiss (Yissochor Dov ben Yonah), father of Rabbi Moshe Weiss, shliach in Sherman Oaks, CA. See the Updates below for details to menachem ovel.

Upcoming Torah Maven Project
A fun addition to any Hebrew School class, the Hebrew School Network is hard at work on this exciting project. See the Updates for more.

Shluchim Online School: Graduation Ceremony, Yearbook & Parent Workshop
The Shluchim Online School is proud to invite G8 parents, relatives and friends to a graduation ceremony - and if you haven't ordered your daughter a Yearbook, it not too late! See the Update below. There's also a Report on the most recent Parent Workshop.

And don't forget to check the Reminders!

Wishing you a kabolas haTorah b'simcha u'b'pnimius. Our next issue will be the week following Shavuos.

-the Shlichus Link.

Only one week left:
Shavuos Orders

10 Sivan/June 12th:
Americas G8 Graduation

19 Sivan/June 21th:
European G8 Graduation

27 Sivan/June 29th:
Experience Friendship

4 Tammuz/July 6th:
Bike 4 Friendship

Shluchim Online School for Girls First Ever Yearbook

Shluchim Online School Year 2011-2012
Shluchim Online School 9th Grade Girls
Jewish Online School Fall Semester

Mr. Avraham Banda
for sponsoring the new
Shluchim Residence

Dear Mrs. Rosenfeld,

This has been a really wonderful year in the Shluchim Online Ochool for Mendel.

He transformed from being really shy to proudly standing at the Shabbos table and sharing what he learned in school. He feels he has friends, other kids who look like him. He now has pride that he is a shliach. He runs to his preschool class after his Online School session and teaches the other children what he learned: about a mitzvah, tanya baal peh and others.

Today he learned about nekudos, and I watched his face light up as he understood how to 'read'.

Morah Brocha Leah Sosonkin is truly a master at teaching. She notices each child and makes them feel so special. You can feel her love for the children coming through the computer screen.

Thank you for your devotion in making the Online School the success it is.

With appreciation,

Alizah Silberstein
Chernigov, Ukraine


• Rabbi G. Shemtov x4000

Associate Director
• Rabbi M. Shemtov x3050

Young Shluchim Division
• Rabbi M. Pinson x3048

Shluchim Liaison
• Rabbi Y. Rosenblum x3249

Community Liaison
• Rabbi N. Shtroks x3076


Reception, Shluchim Services
• Extension 3000
• Rabbi A. Brooker, x3043

• Mrs. B. Shemtov x3064
• P. Hazan x3055

Web Programmers
• Rabbi M. Assouline


Bochurim Placement

Chinuch Yaldei Hashluchim
• Ms. M. Wolf x3056

Chinuch Yaldei Hashluchim
Hebrew Division

• Mrs. C. Kastel

Friendship Circle
• Rabbi Levi Shemtov
• Rabbi B. Groner x3069
• Mrs. R. Groner
friendshipcircle @shluchim.org
• Mendel Groner

Hebrew School Network
• Mrs. D. Krasniansky x3073

Jewish Montessori
• Mrs. D. Freundlich

Jewish Online School
• Seema Silverstein x3095

Online School-English Division
Serving Americas & Europe

• Rabbi M. Shemtov x3050
• Mrs. G. Rosenfeld x3058
• Ms. Toby Herman x3057
• Ms. Mushkie Junik x3059
• Rabbi Y. Goodman x3067

Online School Curriculum Development
• Chanah Poltorak x3070, curriculum@shluchim.org

Online School - Hebrew Division
Serving CIS, Europe & Israel

• Mrs. C. Kastel

Online School-AAA Division
Serving Asia, Australia & Africa

• Rabbi M. Kazilsky

Preschool Network
• Mrs. D. Krasnianski x3073

Publications Department
• Rabbi A. Green x3065

Savings Program
• Rabbi A. Fehler x3063

Shluchim Concierge Services
• Rabbi M. Shemtov

Shluchim Gemach
• Rabbi S. Gniwisch, Chairman
• Rabbi A. Brooker, Applications x3043

Shluchim Placement Bureau
• Rabbi A. Fehler x3063

Shluchos Division
• Mrs. C. Piekarski x3085

Speakers Bureau
• Mrs. R. Turner x3086

Tefillin Bank

Vaad Misrad Hashluchim

Advisory Policy Committee

Shluchim Relations Committee

Shluchim Development Committee

Friendship Circle Executive Committee

Scholarship Committee

Vaad Hashluchim

Register Now for 5772!

Registration for the 2011-2012 school year at the Shluchim Online School is now open.

We have a new registration system which has been streamlined and should be a pleasure to work with! Register in just five easy steps.

Click here to register your child today. If you have any questions about the upcoming school year, please call 718-713-3057 or send us an e-mail.

Nichum Aveilim

With profound sadness, we mourn the passing of Harav Hachosid Reb Berel Weiss (Yissochor Dov ben Yonah), father of Rabbi Moshe Weiss, shliach in Sherman Oaks, CA.

For those wishing to menacheim ovel, the family will be at 254 S. Highland Ave. Shacharis will be held at 8:30am & 9:30am, Mincha at 7:45pm and Maariv at 8:30pm.

The family requests no visitors between 1pm to 5pm or after 10pm.

Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch Shaar Avalei Tzion Veyerushalayim.

Online School Graduation!

The Shluchim Online School will be hosting an online graduation ceremony! Family and friends of our 8th-grade students, consider yourselves invited!

The graduation is a beautiful event, where the students take their turn to speak and present their achievements to the entire audience – which is composed of fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, cousins and even grandparents, all from the comfort of their homes.

The Americas G8 division will be hosting its graduation on Sunday, Yud Sivan (12th of June) and the European G8 division will be on Tuesday, Yud Tes Sivan (21st of June).

Please click here for more information.

And has your daughter ordered her copy of the Shluchim Online School's very first yearbook? If not, look further down on the same page!

Are You Ready for Camp?

It's that time of year again. How far along are your camp plans?

We have a wide range of CGI-branded items and resources, from sweatshirts to postcards, keychains to jibbitz, and a fully-packed CD for camp planning.

Please click here to see our selection and place your orders!

Upcoming Torah Maven Deck

The Hebrew School Network is currently in the middle of creating a beautiful Yedios Klolios package called 'Torah Maven - A Pack of Facts.'

Torah Maven is a bound pack of cards similar to the Brainquest concept and includes suggestions for the teacher on how to put them to use in the classroom.

These can be used as a part of the curriculum or an entirely separate exercise, providing a fun way for children to learn basic Jewish facts.

Stay tuned for more details!

Shluchim Online School Parent Workshop

This week, the Shluchim Online School hosted two parent workshops featuring renowned internet expert and crime investigator, Mr. Phillip Rosenthal.

Mr. Rosenthal educated us on the dangers and expense of the Internet as well as providing practical tips to implement.

It was an eye-opening presentation with explicit details on the repercussions of what can start off as an innocent mistake.

Mr. Rosenthal goes on speaking tours all over the world and has given his seminar to many Chabad house communities. If you would like his contact information, please just send us an e-mail.

Taamu Ureu
Sermon Resource

A preview of the Torah Maven cover.
The Shluchim Office, Global Chabad Lubavitch Resource Center.
816 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213
718.221.0500 | f 718.221.0985 | www.Shluchim.org

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